Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thank you, Wake Forest!

We recently held a silent African auction fundraiser at Thales Academy (where April teaches 2nd grade).  Honestly, we really did not know what to expect!  We sent out invitations to all of the families associated with Thales and also to numerous friends from Wake Forest.  It did not take long for God to, once again, remind us that we are so bad about "putting Him in a box." Our expectations of what He is going to do is so small sometimes!  Thankfully, He overlooked our silly, short term memory and blew us away!  Due to the sacrifices by those we love and care for so much in Wake Forest, many needs were met!  After all was finished, we were able to deposit another $2600+ into Marek's adoption fund!  Praise Jesus - our Jehovah Jireh!

We desire to be good stewards of the money that God has provided through the sacrifices of many, so we have opened up a separate checking account designated strictly for the adoption. Any expense, fees, deposits, etc... flow directly through this account.  As of today, we have completely paid for all of the "before child" expense and have enough money left to purchase our airline tickets.  There is only one more big fee that is remaining, but it is not due until after Gladney places us with a child.  We are going to be working diligently on some grants to help offset the remaining money that is due.  I know this stuff is not fun to read but it is our heart's desire to be upfront and honest every step of the way to you all.  Your dedication and financial support is precious to us and we want to handle your gifts with integrity and in a manner that is honoring to you and, most importantly, Christ.

You are precious and are loved beyond words!