There once was a man named Eddy. Kind, gentle, selfless, loving, and oh so thoughtful was he. Eddy lived in a village known as Morganton where he helped shepherd a flock, along with some other very wise shepherds known as David, Philip, and Brian. This flock wasn’t just any old flock, but one filled with hundreds of sheep filled with tender, teachable hearts that followed THE Shepherd wherever they heard his voice speak, whether through wind, fire, thunder, or a whisper. It happened one day that the Shepherd spoke to Eddy and told him of a great need three of his small sheep possessed. Obediently, with confidence only a true Shepherd can offer, Eddy spoke to the other shepherds and determined a way to meet the need. The way would not be easy, but would require many days of work from the shepherds and the other sheep in the flock. It would require sacrifice and selflessness on the part of everyone. It would require long nights, much sweat, dirty jobs, sore legs, and tired eyes. However, the reward was promised to be literally out of this world, in another kingdom, far from the pasture in which the flock grazed. So, with much determination the flock set out to meet the need and that they did!!! The three little sheep that received the help were astounded, amazed, and quite shocked!! They did not have the capability of thanking the flock to the degree they desired, but just ran with intensity to THE Shepherd and begged Him to bless the flock without measure for the sacrifice wrought to meet their need! THE Shepherd knew about sacrifice all too well and was overjoyed to bless the flock for sharing in the spirit of His life, His ways, & His plan!!
This little story is in no way fiction, but the real story of Burkemont Baptist Church reaching out to our family to meet the financial need linked to the adoption of Marek Joel Scott. The church hosted a BBQ fundraiser on April 17, 2010 during which countless people prepared, set-up, cooked, served, cleaned, and everything in between! So many precious church family members, thoughtful community residents, and others came out to eat and give above and beyond the cost of the BBQ!! AMAZING!!! Over $4400.00 was raised and to this day, the number is still rising! Thank you BBC for being our God-gift in COUNTLESS ways!!!!! We are so thankful God has given Marek a HUGE, God-centered family here in Morganton!
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