Monday, May 31, 2010

Sleeping Smiles!

A few weeks ago, we met the Schmidt family (through email!). The Schmidt family recently picked up their precious son, Solomon, from Ethiopia. While in Ethiopia, they were kind enough to meet Marek and take some pictures for us. Unfortunately when they arrived, Marek was sleeping! However, here are a couple of pics they took, along with a video of him sleeping. Not much to see, but it sure did put a BIG smile on our faces!


Rachael Davis said...

Oh. My. Word. I can't wait until I can hold that sleeping baby boy. Marek, Aunt Rach loves you so much already!! Let's take lots of naps together, okay, baby boy?

Mischia said...

Even asleep, sweet boy!

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful. What a joy for all of you.