Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Marek Joel SCOTT!!!

We received the incredible news today that Marek is officially a SCOTT! As many of you know, we ran into a small snag with our original courtdate, which was set for this past Monday. Everyone showed up on time...except for the court officials, who decided to take the day off ~ typical Africa! As a result, everyone present decided to meet back on Thursday to try the process again. However, today around noon, we received a phone call from Gladney letting us know that our case was approved today. (We were actually the ONLY case to be approved all day!)

As if this was not good enough, we also found out that our US Embassy appointment in Ethiopia is scheduled for July 8th. That's right...we are traveling in about 2 1/2 weeks to pick up our baby! Needless to say, we have experienced every. single. emotion. imaginable today...from being absolutely excited to being absolutely overwhelmed!

We began the process of booking airline tickets today. As of right now, it looks like we will be leaving on July 3rd or 4th and will arrive back home on the morning of the 10th.

We hope you realize that everything you have just read is a DIRECT result of your prayers. God has answered mightily and we are shouting praises from the rooftops tonight! Thank you again, for loving us perfectly and for laying our family before the Throne.


Mandy Mc said...

YAY!!!!!! I'm so thrilled for you all. WHEEEEEEE!!! This makes my day. We've been a little down at our house today so this is welcome news indeed!

Unknown said...

SO amazing! God is so good! And now there is ONE LESS orphan in the world! Hallelujah!

Rachael Davis said...

I don't even have words for how I'm feeling right now....this is just incredible. I can't wait to hold sweet Marek! Speaking of, we need to have a conversation about when the best time would be for us to come...I can come with or without the fam. Just gotta see that boy!

linda said...

April and Dustin, this is the most wonderful news. I am so glad you finally going to get your new son. I know Marek will be so glad to see mommy, daddy and of course Hollis. I am praying for you all. This is such wonderful wonderful news. GOD IS SOOOO GOOD.


Uncle Stan and Aunt Shelia said...

Oh my goodness. Welcome to the newest Scott member. We are so excited for all of you and God's hand was in the middle of it all. God Bless you as you get ready for this incredible emotional trip! We love you all!

The Lourceys said...

This is SOOOO exciting! We are so happy for you guys!

The Roberts Eight said...

That's awesome!! Sounds exactly like how things work in Africa! :) We are so happy for you guys! It makes it more real for us to see things happening for our friends while we are waiting on our little guy. Congrats!